What are Tier 3 Practices?

Tier 3 practices can be defined as; highly individualized and intensive interventions that may include increased intensity through smaller group sizes, more instructional time, and increased use of explicit instruction. In Tier 3, educators frequently review progress monitoring data and make changes to the intervention based on what works for the student (DE-MTSS Implementation Guide).

Tier 3 SEB Practice Features:

  • Developed in partnership with families using a student specific team
  • Informed by the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and other individualized assessments
  • Include validated practices and interventions developed with research based adaptation strategies (e.g., smaller group size, more instructional time, increased use of explicit instruction)
  • Reviewed frequently using progress monitoring data to make changes for the student
  • Delivered in addition to (and aligned with) Tier 1 classroom norms and expectations

Key Tier 3 Practices

In the classroom, responding to SEB needs across the continuum relies on educators to implement, differentiate, and intensify key SEB practices that prevent SEB challenges, Teach critical SEB skills and Respond in ways that encourage SEB skills and decrease repeated SEB challenges (Simonsen et. al., 2021).

To support individual students with persistent or significant SEB needs, educators use assessment data to individualize key classroom practices and when necessary, develop a comprehensive support plan that:

  • elevates student and family voice
  • targets specific contextually inappropriate behavior(s)
  • teaches SEB skills that are functionally relevant and connected to Tier 1 classroom norms
  • prioritizes instructional support to help the student meet individualized academic goals

Tier 3 Practice Handouts

The handouts below provide a description of “Tier 3” prevent, teach and response practices. Educators can use the handouts alongside student assessment data to adapt their classroom practices for students with Tier 3 needs.

Important note: Information in these handouts has been adapted from several sources, including the MTSS in the Classroom guide by the national Center on PBIS, the PTR Handbook and Intervention Checklist, and classroom practice handouts created by Midwest PBIS. Additional references are noted at the bottom of each specific handout page.

  • Trauma Informed Tier 3 Practices Handout
    • This handout outlines how to use the above practices to support students with trauma histories in the classroom and through individualized assessment and intervention.

PTR Intervention Pages

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) is an evidence based model for comprehensive support planning. PTR Facilitators use information collected during the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to guide the development of a Behavior Support Plan (BSP) that includes Prevent, Teach and Reinforce interventions. The menu below provides links to intervention pages referenced on the PTR Intervention Checklist.

Additional Tier 3 Practices Resources