This multi-phase system provides an opportunity to recognize school teams that continue to grow and expand their positive behavior support programing to support students across the tiers as part of a multi-tiered system of behavior support.  This year the following phases are available for schools that are interested in participating in this voluntary application process:


This year the following phases are available for school teams that are interested in participating in this voluntary application process:

  • Tier 1 teams may apply for:
    • Phase 1: School-wide PBS
    • OR Phase 2: Advanced School-wide PBS
  • Tier 2 teams may apply for:
    • Phase 3: Targeted Team (Problem-Solving Conversations)
    • OR Phase 4: For Tier 2 teams – Targeted Team (Systems Conversations).


The application process is open to multiple teams per school (Tier 1 and Tier 2 teams.) Below you will find:

  • Word versions of each phase application.
    • These are available to help school teams to prepare for the final online submission.
    • Please note the differences in reflections and submission materials required for each phase.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) per phase.
    • We encourage MTSS/PBS teams within schools to carefully review the applications and FAQ documents to determine which phase or phases are a good match for celebrating your MTSS implementation efforts taken this school year.
    • All applications provide a structured opportunity for teams to reflect on current practices and data in order to plan for next year.
  • Online application links for each phase application.
    • All applications must be submitted by school teams via the correct online application(s) by 8/2/2024
    • Please note that the Word versions of the applications are available to help the team prepare, but final submission will be done via the new online survey application.

If team members at Tier 1 and/or 2 have further questions after reviewing the applications (in Word version) and FAQs, please contact your district coaches or a DE-PBS staff member. Thank you and good luck! We look forward to receiving your online application(s) by 8/2/2024!


For more information on application materials, check out our PBIS Fidelity Tools page with the Key Feature Status Tracker and Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI).

Phase 3: Tier 2 – Targeted Team (Problem Solving Conversations)