PTR Networking Session
May 26, 2021

On a recent call with Dr. Iovannone, she mentioned they are frequently addressing school refusal behaviors in her clinic. She indicated that families are seeking support because their children are refusing to engage in online instruction and struggling to make the switch back to F2F learning. I am sure you will not find this surprising as you are likely experiencing similar concerns in your districts.
During this PTR networking call, Dr. Iovannone shared about trends in school refusal behaviors and successful PTR Family cases that supported these concerns. Participants shared about how their districts were encountering and working to address school refusal during the pandemic.
Questions? Reach out to Niki Kendall
Webinar Recording – Coming Soon
Webinar Materials:
5.26.21 School Refusal Networking Slides
Additional Resources:
COVID-19 Handbook, Volume 2 from US DOE
PBIS Cultural Responsiveness Field Guide
Registration for upcoming NASP Webinar: Antiracist Functional Behavior Assessment for a New Era: Movement Towards a Power-Sharing Approach (June 9, 2021)
Thinking Functionally about Internalizing Behavior Problems Presentation
Optimistic Parenting: Hope and Help for You and Your Challenging Child Book by Mark Durand
An Optimistic Approach to Helping Students with Challenging Behavior Presentation by Mark Durand