- Section 1: DE-PBS Program Development & Evaluation
- Delaware PBS Key Features
- Copy of SWPBS Team Training Materials (note location of at least 1 set of training materials that any school team/staff can reference)
- Staff PBS Overview to be updated yearly
- Includes:
- Global characteristics of PBS programming
- PBS expectations and program overview
- School data used in decision-making
- Role of teacher in school’s PBS program
- Includes:
- School Improvement Plan
- Archived Data:
- End of Year Summary of Big Five Data Sources & associated data analysis
- Delaware Assessment of Strengths and Needs result reports
- School Climate Survey reports
- DE-PBS Key Features School Evaluation Report
- Involving and Communicating with Families
- DE-PBS presentation(s) to families at school
- On-going dissemination of school’s DE-PBS information to families
- Parent involvement in school’s DE-PBS planning at the school level
- System for positive staff contacts to home
- Section 2: Implementing School-wide PBIS
- Expectations/Rules Behavior Matrices
- School-wide Initial PBS Introduction: Kick-Off Plan (Staff, Student, Family)
- Teaching event feedback/evaluation notes
- School-wide and classroom lesson plans for teaching expectations
- Maintenance plans for teaching throughout year
- Acknowledgement Matrices – documentation of system to reinforce expectations
- List of past celebration ideas and logistics
- DE-PBS Fast Facts for substitutes (Expectations, recognition system)
- Archived PBS planning documetns:
- DE-PBS Action Plan
- End-of-year analyses and plans
- Recognition applications
- Behavior intervention processes (Tier 2/3 behavior system information)
- School crisis plan
- Section 3: Correcting Problem Behaviors
- Discipline procedure materials
- Code of Conduct
- Major vs. Minor behaviors listed and defined
- Behavioral response procedures for minor and major behaviors
- Behavior/Office Discipline Referral Forms
- Materials to support behavioral response procedures
- Classroom management strategies
- Reflection/problem solving/skill building tools (reflection sheets, guiding questions)
- Discipline procedure materials
- Section 4: Incorporating Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL)
- School-wide SEL curriculum or plan for incorporating SEL into lessons. Resources to support staff in acknowledging students displaying SEL competencies (e.g. – promotion of effort, concern for others, etc.)
- Activities used to support SEL
- Service Learning
- Peer mentoring
- Student leadership opportunities (School-wide & Classroom based)
- Display/bulletin board materials to highlight SEL concepts