
…vidualized supports are developed at the third tier. Adapted from: SWPBIS Outcomes School-Wide PBIS is evidence-based and implementing with fidelity is associated with positive outcomes, including: Improved academic, social, and social-emotional outcomes Reduced bullying behaviors Decreased rates of student-reported drug/alcohol abuse Reductions in office disciplinary referrals, suspensions, and restraint…

ABCs of IEPs Tools

…ral Accommodations and Supports: this tool, created by Dr. Laura Riffel at, provides a list of specific accommodations and supports that can be used when describing the unique educational needs and characteristics of the student. Behavior IEP Review Rubric this tool will provide teams with an outline of best practice in addressing behavior concerns of the IEP. Teams may wish to consider using the rubric in evaluating their c…

Peer Modeling (Peer Support)

…ills Conversation Skills Play Skills Social Etiquette (Greetings, Manners, Compliments) Nonverbal Communication and Body Language Perspective Taking Conflict Resolution Giving and Following Directions Reading Social Cues & Social Problem Solving Peer Modeling – Video-record peers modeling specific desired behaviors in the contexts that are occasions for the target student’s challenging behavior. Peer Support – Arrange for the peers to work in a co…