PBIS Fidelity Tools

…in place. Download the full TFI guide and tools at PBIS.org Visit PBISApps.com TFI section for training videos, slide decks, and tips Learn more about PBISApps.com PBIS Assessment to use their free, online app for conducting the TFI, entering data, and generating reports Reference the Integrated Tiered Fidelity Inventory Companion Guide for an action planning tool to use alongside the validated TFI for tips on how incorporate cultural responsivene…

DE-PBS Coach Networking Sessions

…act; Defining Coaching Brief: The purpose of this brief is to help build a common language and a common understanding of the critical role Coaching plays in ensuring the evidence-based practices can be implemented as intended (fidelity) and sustain over time. Coaching for Competence and Impact; Coaching Inventory Discussion Tool: The purpose of this tool is to help Teams understand the current coaching infrastructure and identify which coaching fu…

Teach Self-Management (Self-Monitoring)

…Collins, T. (2020). Evaluating self-management interventions: Analysis of component combinations. School Psychology Review, 49(2), 130-143. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2020.1717367 Kern, L., Ringdahl, J. E., Hilt, A., & Sterling-Turner, H. E. (2001). Linking self-management procedures to functional analysis results. Behavioral Disorders, 26(3), 214–226. https://doi.org/10.1177/019874290102600304 Koegel. L. K., Koegel. R. L., Boettcher, M. A….

Environmental Supports

…all Jeff to the teacher’s desk or go over to Jeff. 2. Discuss the goal for completing the writing assignment. Say, I think you can complete the assignment in ___ minutes. What do you think?” 3. Set the timer by saying, “Jeff, let’s see if you can beat the timer. Today, you have ___ minutes (time from step 1) to complete this writing. Ready, set, go.” Supporting Research Banda, D. R., Grimmett, E., & Hart, S. L. (2009). Activity schedules: Helping…

Private: Tier 2: Targeted Tools

…cipant PowerPoint for Targeted Tier 2 Training This PPT outlines the basic components of an effective Tier 2 or Targeted system of behavior support in a school. These components are based on existing research, best-practices literature, and feedback from targeted teams in DE-PBS schools. District Coaches and Teams can use this PPT to review concepts covered in Targeted PD. Data Tools Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) – Template and Sample Sch…

Private: NEW Tier 2 Forms and Tools

…cipant PowerPoint for Targeted Tier 2 Training This PPT outlines the basic components of an effective Tier 2 or Targeted system of behavior support in a school. These components are based on existing research, best-practices literature, and feedback from targeted teams in DE-PBS schools. District Coaches and Teams can use this PPT to review concepts covered in Targeted PD. Data Tools Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) – Template and Sample Sch…

Counseling in the Virtual World

…so addresses some common challenges students and counselors face school is completely remote https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/covid-19-resource-center This is the National Association of School Psychologists’ COVID resource center page. There are several resources for families and educators in the topics relating to return to school, service delivery and special education, crisis response, and mental hea…

Private: Teach Academic Engagement

…ing. Provide immediate feedback during guided practice, including positive comments for correct steps and corrective feedback for errors. Corrective feedback should be followed by more practice opportunities. Decide upon prompting procedures to cue student during implementation. Implement intervention as practiced. Provide reinforcer to student for meeting criterion. Gradually fade prompting cues contingent upon student data showing increased mast…

Individualize Academic Instruction

…dependently or has difficulty staying engaged in the task is attempting to complete a complex or abstract task gets ‘stuck’ while working on an academic task and does not know how to work through the difficulty on their own becomes frustrated during activities that require independent responses is denied response-assistance from an adult or peer Challenging behavior occurs for the purpose of… avoiding or escaping academic work in general avoiding…

How does inequity affect our schools?

…Sleeter, C. (2016). Wrestling with problematics of whiteness in teacher education. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(8), 1065-1068. Smolkowski, K., Girvan, E. J., McIntosh, K., Nese, R. N. T., & Horner, R. H. (2016). Vulnerable decision points in school discipline: Comparison of discipline for African American compared to White students in elementary schools. Behavioral Disorders, 41, 178-195. Tyson, K. (2013). Trackin…