Supporting the Academic and Non-Academic Development of all Children
Northeast PBIS Conference
May 17-19, 2023
Moving from Exploration to Implementation of a Universal SEB Screener
Description: This presentation is intended for district or school leaders who are exploring, preparing for, or just beginning to implement a universal social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) screener. Participants will hear from two Delaware School Districts that have strategically added a universal SEB screener to their MTSS framework, keeping sustainability and practicality in mind.
Presenter(s): Jocelyn Brown and Sonia Songui, Capital School District; Christina MacKerchar, Colonial School District; Niki Kendall, DE-PBS Project
Resources to Support Teams to Select and Install Universal SEB Screeners (Poster)
Click the image to see an enlarged picture.
May 11-13, 2022
Using MTSS to Align & Integrate SEB Practices
Description: How do we ditch the separate containers and create a “single stream” for PBIS, restorative practices, and social emotional learning? Hear strategies and lessons learned from one district engaged in this work.
Presenter(s): Sarah Hearn and Debby Boyer, Delaware PBS Project; Adriane Simpson, Red Clay Consolidated School District
Center on PBIS: Technical Guide for Alignment of Initiatives, Programs and Practices in School Districts: The purpose of this technical guide is to provide a structured alignment process with concrete steps to assist educational leaders as they examine current practices across educational units and systems (instruction, support, improvement, special education, mental health, justice), consider the extent to which current practices are implemented with fidelity and produce meaningful academic and social/behavioral outcomes, and establish support systems to select install and implement new practices.
Building Strong Team-Based Leadership Module – This 50 minute professional learning module supports schools and districts to build or strengthen solid teaming foundations. The module is intended for both academic and non-academic teams and committees to view collaboratively. Viewers will learn about strategies for effective teaming and will be led through a series of team-based reflections and opportunities for implementation action-planning in order to increase best practices and ultimately lead to stronger systems and successful outcomes.
DE-PBS SEL & SWPBIS Integration – The SEL & SWPBIS Integration Module focuses on integrating the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) approach and the School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) approach. This module reviews the two approaches, provides a rationale for integrating and aligning the two approaches, and provides practical strategies to support integration in schools. The purpose of this module is to help school professionals deepen their understanding of these approaches, how they are complementary to one another, and how they can be integrated effectively to enhance student learning and development.
May 15-16, 2019
Adopt Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: Tips, Tricks and Tools from the Field
Presenter(s): Niki Kendall and Debby Boyer, DE-PBS Project