IEP resources are broken up into the categories below. If you cannot find a particular item, feel free to contact us. 

IEP resource document: this is an overview of what to include in each section of an IEP.

Data Collection

Types of Data Collection Techniques: this is an overview of the different ways you can collect data. Each type of measure lists a definition, example, advantages, and disadvantages.

Duration Weekly Data: this form provides a way to record the length of time a behavior occurs across a week.

Weekly Interval Data: this form provides a way to record the presence or absence of a given response within a 30 minute time interval.

Weekly Frequency Count: this form provides a way to track the frequency of behaviors across a week.

Individualized Data Sheet: this form can be used to track the frequency of replacement behaviors

Interval Excel Tool: this tool provides a way to track your interval data. A graph can also be used to visually see the percent change across the days.

ABC tools on Google Drive:  this drive contains a variety of ABC tools

Individualized Behavior Rating Scale Tool (IBRST): This drive provides a variety of IBRST resources

Goal Writing

Therese tools, adopted from Data without Tears by Terri Chiara Johnston, will help teams to ensure IEP goals include all necessary components: audience, behavior, condition and degree.

ABCD boxes

ABCD boxes with describing the process of writing measurable goals

SMARTS Outline: This quick reference will help teams ensure they are writing goals that meet SMARTS criteria: specific, measurable, achievable, results focused and time-bound

Workshop Materials

Reflection Sheet: this form is to be used during ABC professional development sessions to keep notes about the topics presented.

Prompt Hierarchy: this tool is useful for teams during goal development as they consider the condition (or context in which you expect the student to perform the new skill). Types of prompts (consider how intrusive the prompt) or number of prompts can often times be used in goal writing.

Prompt Hierarchy definitions: this tool provides further explanation of the prompts depicted in the prompt hierarchy.

Behavioral Accommodations and Supports: this tool, created by Dr. Laura Riffel at, provides a list of specific accommodations and supports that can be used when describing the unique educational needs and characteristics of the student.

Behavior IEP Review Rubric this tool will provide teams with an outline of best practice in addressing behavior concerns of the IEP. Teams may wish to consider using the rubric in evaluating their current practices.

OSEP Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting Behavior of Students with Disabilities: this link is to the full version of a letter written by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to offer guidance for schools and agencies on positive behavioral interventions and supports for students with disabilities under Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).

Parts of an Impact Statement : this tool will assist teams in writing an impact that includes a behavioral need specifying skills, to supplement and facilitate academic achievement. A sample impact statement is also included.

Workshop Presentations

Addressing Behavior Concerns in the IEP (Full Day Workshop PPT): This full day workshop has been designed to increase educators’ knowledge and implementation of addressing behavior and social skills needs on the IEP.

Combo: Addressing Behavior Concerns in the IEP and W.R.I.T.E.S: This workshop was designed to cover content from the full day ABCs training but also includes content from the standards based IEPs training for academics.

Training Modules

ABCs Webinar Google Drive: This google drive provides videos on FBA’s and BIP’s, writing IEP goals, data collection, social skills webinars, and unique educational needs webinars.