Although inequity can affect all minority groups, we focused our efforts on the impacts of racial inequity to help educators understand the systemic ways implicit racial biases can contribute to the educational opportunity gap for children of color. We hope this research, and the resources we provide, will guide educators into establishing school-wide interventions and practices that aim to improve equity and reduce racial disparities and disproportionality in our schools.
Racial inequity in our schools can affect students of color in many ways, including discipline referrals, academic access, treatment by teachers, and more. The research below has been divided up by topic.
Racial disproportionality in discipline referrals, suspensions, and expulsions is a problem that many schools in the U.S. continue to face, even in pre-schools. This disproportionality in discipline can lead to loss of critical instruction time, create a feeling of exclusion for students, and contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline.
Topic Area | Research |
Referrals, Suspensions, and Expulsion Rates |
Subjectivity and Implicit Bias in Referrals |
Zero Tolerance Policies vs. Restorative Justice |
Academic Achievement/Opportunity Gap
Racial disproportionality in academic achievement, now called the “opportunity gap,” have also been widely researched and documented. Disproportionality in suspensions have been linked to differences in academic achievement for children of color due to loss of instruction time. Other academic policies such as course/academic tracking and stereotypes/implicit bias from educators also disproportionately affects students of color.
Topic Area | Research |
Discipline Effects on Academics |
Tracking and Other Obstacles |
Teacher Expectations & Support
Related to academic success, differences have also been observed in teacher expectations of children of color and how they provide support. Oftentimes, these disparities are due to implicit biases and microaggressions that result in students feeling a lack of belonging, lack of adult support, and low expectations. Understanding the systemic racism in the education system, building relationships with students, families, and the community, and creating safe spaces to discuss race have been shown to be effective in ensuring culturally responsive teaching methods.
Topic Area | Research |
Implicit Bias/Microaggressions in Teacher Expectations |
Positive Teaching Methods |
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