Tier 2 Resources

Tier 2 Professional Learning

Schools that have worked to implement strong universal systems, data and practices can enhance the MTSS framework by engaging in Tier 2-targeted professional learning.

6/27/2024 MTSS Summer Start-Up Workshop: Tools to Boost your Systems

SESSION 2: Tier 2 Leadership Team System Resources

System components within Tier 2 programming include intervention selection and data-based decision-making. Workshop participants will deepen their ability to reinforce these Tier 2 system components through an exploration of 3 resources for school MTSS/Tier 2 teams. These tools include the Hexagon Tool, Tier 2 Decision-Making Rules, and Tier 2 Systems Data Trackers. This workshop includes time for hands-on practice with the tools and for peer-to-peer discussions related to using and sharing these tools with school teams. 

Tier 2 Handouts

Tier 2 Tracker – Aggregate Version

Tier 2 Tracker – Disaggregate Version

July 2023 Tier 2 Data and Progress-Monitoring – Tools & Networking

  • Who: Tier 2 Team Leaders, members, and administrators.

  • What: This interactive networking session focused on how to effectively and efficiently monitor students’ progress while receiving a Tier 2 Intervention.

  • Materials & Resources

The 2022-2023 MTSS Tier 2 Networking Sessions

Who:  For those supporting the development and implementation of Tier 2 systems and practices

What:  The following topics were discussed:

For any questions, please contact Megan Pell (mpell@udel.edu).

Tier 2 Foundations Workshop (June 2022)

This training outlines foundational Tier 2 school-level systems features for addressing the social, emotional, and behavioral well-being of students.  Content is aligned to the Tier 2 Section of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (published by the Center on PBIS) and focuses on teaming, providing interventions, and evaluating the overall effectiveness of Tier 2 interventions and system components at the school level.  Both local and national models of effective, efficient, and equitable Tier 2 programming will be shared along with tools to build and enhance your system.  Plan this summer to start the 22-23 SY with confidence!

Evaluation link: https://delaware.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8CB3pSbeIADoz5Q 

Tier 2 Workshop Slides

Team Forms

Helpful Documents/Resources

MTSS Tier 2 Check-In/Check-Out (CICO): The Fundamentals and Tools

MTSS Tier 2 Team Readiness Development Session
This session is designed to help Tier 2 Team Leaders, Administrators and other key team members develop their school’s capacity to provide an effective and efficient continuum of Tier II supports for students. The core elements of building a tier 2 system will be presented using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory. Attendees will begin Action Planning based on the TFI Tier 2 items. Information and materials will be provided to prepare participants to more confidently facilitate Tier 2 team development and discussions at their school and prepare their teams to attend future Tier 2 trainings offered by the DE-PBS Project during the 19-20SY. (To view more Tier 2 tools, click the link at the top for the Tier 2 Forms and Tools page)

Participant PowerPoint for this Session

Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) for Tier 2

TFI Action Plan

Tier 2 Intervention Tracking Tool-BLANK

In-On-Out Intervention Tool

Targeted   Team Training: 1-day workshop Open to Targeted/Problem Solving Teams (5-6 members) from schools implementing School-wide PBS. Targeted/Problem-Solving Team Training supports schools to create a system for implementing evidence-based Tier 2 interventions. Participants will learn how to develop the team, determine a process for identifying students in need, implement the Behavior Education (check-in/check-out) program, and identify skill building and relationship building interventions. Not offered annually

Participant PowerPoint for Targeted Tier 2 Training 2016

Brief Overview of Some Specific Tier 2 Interventions

Targeted Tools

Targeted Networking Session: 1/2 day workshop Open to schools and Targeted/Problem Solving Teams (at least 3 members from the team, and team leader) who previously participated in the DE-PBS Project sponsored Tier 2 – Targeted Problem-Solving PD in the last 3 years. The purpose of this training is to strengthen schools’ systems of behavioral support across the Tiers. Topics and activities include: reviewing Tier 2 concepts (systems and problem-solving), networking with other schools implementing Tier 2 programming, examining Tier 2 evaluation methods, and planning time with your targeted team.

Participant PowerPoint for Tier 2 Networking Session

Tier 2 Forms and Tools


Topic Tools & Activities

UPDATED & NEW: Tier 2 Intervention Tracking Tools

Use these tools to track your current Tier 2 interventions, student enrollment in the interventions, and student outcomes. You can look for trends at the intervention and group level. These trends can help you ID the strengths of your Tier 2 programming and areas for growth for Tier 2 interventions and the equity of Tier 2 support for all students.

Tier 2 Tracker – Aggregate Version

Tier 2 Tracker – Disaggregate Version

Professional Learning Presentations
  • 2019-2020 New Team
  • 2019-2020 Tier 2 Team Readiness PD
  • 2018-2019 Networking
Click on the links below to access tools and resources.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory – Tier 2 Subscale/Focus Area: Teams
  • Team Composition
  • Team Operating Procedures
  • Screening
  • Request for Assistance
Click on the links below to access tools and resources. Click here for more detailed descriptions of how to use them.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory – Tier 2 Subscale/Focus Area: Interventions
  • Options for Tier 2 Interventions
  • Tier 2 Critical Features
  • Practices Matched to Student Need
  • Access to Tier 1 Supports
  • Professional Development
Click on the links below to access tools and resources. Click here for more detailed descriptions of how to use them.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory – Tier 2 Subscale/Focus Area: Evaluation
  • Level of Use
  • Student Performance Data
  • Fidelity Data
  • Annual Evaluation
Click on the links below to access tools and resources. Click here for more detailed descriptions of how to use them.
Professional Learning Presentations – DE School Presentations Click on the links below to access tools and resources.

Brick Mill Elementary School

Gallaher Elementary School

Milton Elementary School

Shue-Medill Middle School

Talley Middle School

Dover High School

Professional Learning Presentations – Archived Presentations Click on the links below to access tools and resources.

Extended List and Descriptions of Tier 2 Resources with Links

Professional Development

Participant PowerPoint for Targeted Tier 2 Training – Targeted Tier 2 Training This PPT outlines the basic components of an effective Tier 2 or Targeted system of behavior support in a school. These components are based on existing research, best-practices literature, and feedback from targeted teams in DE-PBS schools. District Coaches and Teams can use this PPT to review concepts covered in Targeted PD.

Data Tools

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) – Template and Sample – Schools can use this template to identify areas of strength and need within their Universal (Tier 1), Targeted (Tier 3), and Individualized (Tier 3) behavior and/or academic programming and/or interventions. Teams can use template and sample to outline their multi-tiered system of behavior support for planning or sharing purposes

Tier 2 Intervention Tracking Tool (BLANK) (Newest Version!) – Schools can use this document to track the number of students receiving and responding to all Tier 2 interventions. schools put in data each month and graphs are generated by month and by intervention.

Tier 2 Intervention Tracking (With Sample Data) (Newest Version!) – This document shows what the tracking tool looks like with data filled in across months and interventions.

Tutorial- Tier 2 Intervention Tracking Tool (Newest Version!) – This PowerPoint breaks down the steps of using the tracking tool and explains that information is generated by the data.

Targeted Data Tracking and Graphing Tool (Oldie but Goodie!) – Schools can use this document to track the number of students receiving Tier 2 interventions. Schools can use this to track daily and weekly performances of students, as well group trends. Weekly comparisons are also generated by this tool.

Targeted Data Tracking and Graphing Tool- User Guide (Oldie but Goodie!) – This document provides users with more information about: Getting Started, Entering Your Students’ Data, Reviewing Calculations and Graphs, and Troubleshooting.

Systems Development Tools

PD Activity Packet – This reflection packet gives Targeted (Tier 2) teams, including administrator(s), the opportunity to examine existing data and targeted resources at their school to determine what changes are needed in their Tier 2 activities in order to align them with the needs of their specific schools. District Coaches and Teams can use document to plan improvements to current Tier 2 system.

Teacher’s Request for Assistance – This brief form is a sample template that Targeted (Tier 2) teams can request teachers to fill-out when requesting Tier 2 and/ or 3 support for a student who is exhibiting an academic or behavioral concern. Teams can use this sample to create their own “Request for Information” forms for Tier 2 and/or 3 interventions.

Parent/Guardian Request for Assistance Form – This brief form is a sample template that Targeted (Tier 2) teams can request parents/ guardians to fill-out when requesting Tier 2 and/ or 3 support for a child who is exhibiting an academic or behavioral concern. Teams can use this sample to create their own “Request for Information” forms for Tier 2 and/or 3 interventions.

Tier 2 Booklet – Sample – This sample booklet provides Targeted (Tier 2) teams with a template to use/model their Tier 2 booklets. It includes an overview of Tier 2 programming at the school, lists and descriptions of current Tier 2 interventions, and additional Tier 2 information. Teams can use this sample to create their own Tier 2 Booklet for their school.

Sample Report from the Tier 2 Tracking Tool – This report shows how data entered into the new Tier 2 tracking tool (in Excel) prints for teams. Teams can print out data entered in the form of a table or graph, by intervention or by month. There is a tutorial on the website. District Coaches and Teams can see how the tracking tool prints across the different report formats.

Sample Tier 2 Meeting Agendas – This document provides example agendas for two sequential meetings during which a Targeted (Tier 2) team pointedly holds systems-related and problem-solving conversations. Teams can use these samples to determine how to structure their own Tier 2 teams monthly.

Measuring Fidelity of Core Features of Tier 2 Systems and Practices in Schools – This practice brief from the Center on PBIS describes the core features of Tier 2 systems and practices and provides examples of researcher-developed measures used to assess them.


Tier 2 Student Interview – This is a template of an interview form students who are entering a targeted intervention can fill-out to help the intervention facilitator better understand the student’s issues related to curriculum, instruction, and/or behavior issues, as well as the student’s subject preference and learning styles. Tier 2 intervention coordinators and/or facilitators can use this with students entering a Tier 2 intervention.

Initial Training Checklist – It is recommended that schools provide some level of information and/or training to staff, students and families in regard to all available targeted interventions. This packet includes sample and blank checklist templates that teams can use. Teams can use helpful sample checklists to organize their Tier 2 training efforts.

Targeted Interventions – This document outlines a variety of evidence-based interventions to address students’ Tier 2 level behaviors of concern and the function(s) of those behaviors. Each intervention is described in detail. Administration and teams may use this document to determine what new Tier 2 interventions to invest in and why.

Tier 2 Intervention Rating Form – This form helps schools to easily measure the feasibility of implementation, benefit of students with behavior problems, willingness of staff to implement, and team opinions of the specific intervention. Teams can critically examine important characteristics of any current or future Tier 2 interventions.

Asset Mapping by Intervention & Asset Mapping by People – These tools help to identify interventions currently in place and help determine the following: 1. How are resources being used and/or what resources are needed for current Tier 2 interventions? 2. How well are current interventions addressing the function of Tier 2 student behaviors? Teams can use these asset mapping tools to better identify how appropriate and supported current Tier 2 interventions are in the school.

10 Critical Features – This document contains a list of important points for Targeted (Tier 2) teams to remember when building and/or restructuring their team discussions and building and/or restructuring their Tier 2 interventions. It is recommended that schools use this checklist when considering new Tier 2 interventions and/or evaluating existing interventions.

Implementation Integrity Checklist – This document contains a template checklist that teams can use to assess the implementation integrity of various interventions. Teams can fill in the checklist according to the intervention being assessed.

Specific Interventions

Resilience Education Program (REP) Materials and Related Resources

REP is an evidence-based, multi-week Tier 2 intervention that uses a combination of cognitive-behavioral instruction, check-in/check-out components, and resilient families strategies. It is designed for students in grades 4-8 who are at risk for internalizing concerns such as depression and anxiety. For ongoing reference for those trained to provide REP intervention, here are some quick links: 

As with any Tier 2 intervention, we encourage you to anchor your practices to your Tier 2 data tracking and systems work and entire multi-tiered system of support. To help you work toward this, we’ve highlighted these helpful resources (see the full Tier 2 resources website for more tools):

  • Tier 2 Intervention Tracker (Excel and Google tools to track monthly trends in student responses to REP and other interventions)
  • Tiered Fidelity Inventory (Team-based self-assessment tool to help your MTSS team members build a strong Tier 2 system and interventions, see Items 2.1-2.13)
  • Sample Tier 2 Meeting Agenda (sample agendas that outline how to review intervention-level data and when to address student-level challenges) 

MTSS Tier 2 Check-In/Check-Out (CICO): The Fundamentals and Tools

Educators involved in Tier 2 problem solving teams were invited to attend a live virtual overview session on the Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) intervention on March 10th, 2022. CICO is an evidence-based Tier 2 intervention that enhances Tier 1 universal supports in K-12 schools through increased structure and positive interactions with adults throughout the day via instruction and practice in self-monitoring of behavior and social-emotional competencies. This training outlines how to create a program and will provide tools and resources for  implementation. See below for a recording of the live session.

Presentation PPT

CICO Overview Resources

Supporting CICO Roles – The Adult Network

CICO- The Data Tools

Additional Resources

  • DE-PBS Tier 2 Forms and Tools
  • Colorado PBIS Project: CICO Self-Assessment and Action Plan 
  • CICO: Check-In /Check-Out Module: CICO is an evidence-based Tier 2 intervention to help students reconnect with adults and school expectations. This DE-PBS mini-learning module (46 mins total) walks viewers through the components and considerations of the Tier 2 Check-In/Check-Out intervention. The module presents key concepts and tools to help Tier 2 Teams to determine if this intervention is a good fit for their students, if they have appropriate resources, fidelity measures, and how the process works.