Private: Functional Intervention Strategies

…it provides the most efficient and effective way to obtain the desired outcome. Take Alex, for example. Recall that when Alex comes to school tired and her teacher gives her a non-preferred task, Alex starts making disruptive noises which results in the teacher allowing her to leave the activity (function = escape). As a short-term replacement behavior, Alex is taught to request a break when presented with a non-preferred task instead of making d…

2023-2024 DE-MTSS Cadre Meetings

…ntegration & BE-MTSS TA Center  DE-PBS resources ACCESS resources Today’s “Compass Points” activity  Supporting Integrated MTSS District Reflection Resource  DDOE – DE-MTSS Resources  MTSS Implementation Guide Quick Reference Guides Professional Learning Modules  Professional Learning Resources DE-MTSS TAC Professional Learning Opportunities Calendar Secondary School Supports PIC of DE – MTSS Parent Guide SEBW Conference – Save the date flyer  Dat…

Private: OLD Functional Intervention Strategies

…itions that “set the occasion for” the occurrence for the target behavior) Common examples: hunger, tiredness, having a substitute teacher Antecedents (conditions that trigger the target behavior) Common examples: academic demands, being denied attention, transition from preferred to non-preferred activity Behavior (identified behavior of concern) Consequences (what occurs after the student engages in the behavior, which can either strengthen or w…

DE-School Climate Survey

…Tips document for more advice and tips on how to increase your Home Survey completion. 2024 Delaware School Climate Survey Items (for reference only, not intended for participants): There are three separate surveys: Student, Teacher/Staff, and Home. Schools can choose to survey one, two, or three populations. Whereas the Teacher/Staff and Home surveys are appropriate for all grade levels, the Student survey is for grades 3-12. 2024 Student Survey…

Recognition Applications

…s to reflect on current practices and data in order to plan for next year. Online application links for each phase application. All applications must be submitted by school teams via the correct online application(s) by 8/2/2024 Please note that the Word versions of the applications are available to help the team prepare, but final submission will be done via the new online survey application. If team members at Tier 1 and/or 2 have further questi…

Tier 2 Resources

…pport orientations Sample staff training video from KOI Education: Sample Student Check-In Orientation Video from Sand Lake Elementary: CICO- The Data Tools Sample – Teacher/staff Request for Assistance Form Sample – Wisconsin Reverse Request for Assistance Template – In-On-Out Intervention Tool   Targeted Data Tracking and Graphing Tool Targeted Data Tra…

Promoting Equity in MTSS

…020). A framework for safe and successful schools. Retrieved from: National Education Association (2020). Creating the space to talk about race in your school. Edjustice. Retrieved from:  Na…

Environmental Supports

…ls task cards (Teachers Pay Teachers) Classroom behavior routine task card example Downloadable task cards and visual narratives for various school activities/rules (e.g., bus rules, asking someone to play, getting the teacher’s attention, etc.) Downloadable task cards and visual narratives for behaviors and emotions (e.g., staying calm, feeling angry, anxiety) Video modeling: A video recording that provides information on an environmental setting…

DE-School Climate Survey

…STAFF SCS Interpretation Worksheet 2024 – Data Action Planning – STAFF For Student Version SCS Interpretation Worksheet 2024 – STUDENT SCS Interpretation Worksheet 2024 – Data Action Planning – STUDENT For Home Version SCS Interpret Worksheet 2024 – HOME SCS Interpretation Worksheet 2024 – Data Action Planning – HOME Importance of School Climate Use of School Climate Data Administration of Survey Technical Manual for School Climate Surveys School…

Counseling in the Virtual World

…hallenges students and counselors face school is completely remote This is the National Association of School Psychologists’ COVID resource center page. There are several resources for families and educators in the topics relating to return to school, service delivery and special education, crisis response, and mental health. Mental Health Delta D…